Both of them are young and they've been travelling around the world. Yet, they found motivation of going back home. They recreate the magic of Cuba in an alluring location in Varna. It is the reason why the market street Dr Piskyuliev is now nicknamed the Boulevard of Rum Runner.
Bulgarian translation
Bulgarian translation
This is the first and only rum bar in the sea capital. Customers here are always right and they are treated with care and respect. Despite being near the city’s main market, concepts like commercialism, bargaining, or impudence are completely unknown to the bar’s two owners.
Meet Stanislava and Stanimir – a couple happily in love. Two people working tirelessly in the name of their dream come true. Cuban Bar is located at 17, Dr Piskyuliev str and is open from noon until midnight, reopening recently with a massive party coinciding with Stanislava’s birthday. For this event the owners decided to open Cuban Bar and share the celebration with everyone – and this is the real magic of this place.
The attention to the customer, as well as the quality of customer service, is what makes the place truly stand out. And this is not accidental. Stanislava and Stanimir have invested a lot in their dream. Since 2012 both of them have been working on elite cruise ships where the requirements to the crew are high and strict and no exception is ever made.
The two of them travel the world, experience different cultures, save money, and as the time goes by, they fall in love. Both of them decide to start a family, to return in their hometown, and to start their own business.
On the 20th of May 2016 Cuban Bar opened its doors to the world. The true spirit of Cuba is encapsulated in this place - the humble happy life.
“We have lost our connection with the non-material and we have forgotten what it means to be loved and truly happy. It is exactly that warmth, ease and spontaneity in people’s relationships, the contagious optimism, that we wanted to capture in our bar”, says Stanimira.
Unlike other similar clubs bearing the same name, "Cuban Bar - Varna" is not only about show off. Maybe that is the reason why anyone there would be able to recognise a portrait of Che Guevara or the young Fidel Castro.
This is a likely place to meet people from all over the world, as many of the fans of the bar are foreigners that have relocated in Bulgaria. More and more friends of Cuban Bar choose the place as a location for their birthday parties, hen or stag dos. Besides from the excellent service and the authentic Cuban interior, the drinks menu is within the happily affordable range.
“We only work with imported alcohol, and we have a great assortment of Cuban rums of mid and high range.
We also have the unique for Bulgaria system for cold drip coffee which neutralises the coffee’s acidity making it extraordinary mild. This brewing method is very popular in Australia where Stanimir and I lived for some time.”
We also have the unique for Bulgaria system for cold drip coffee which neutralises the coffee’s acidity making it extraordinary mild. This brewing method is very popular in Australia where Stanimir and I lived for some time.”
In Cuban Bar you could also treat yourself with crunchy chicken strips, French fries and do not forget to try the Chef’s special – a tradition Cuban sandwich with two types of pork meats, sauces, pickles and onion rings!
Reservation phone: 0897 54 58 75
Facebook: Cuban Bar
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